
Sleepsia : Memory Pillow is from New York
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Some new memory foam, also known as visco-elastic polyurethane foam, emits odors that may be bothersome at night when your face is so near the mattress, pillow or mattress topper made from the foam.
Be sure you have a comfortable bed pillow to rest your head on as you hopefully spend about one-third of your day and night in bed sleeping. With so many choices on the market, you might be stumped about what type of bed pillow will give you the best night’s rest. With our tips, we’ll take some of the mystery about buying a bed pillow.
According to some reports, the sleeping position you adopt in bed can tell a lot about your personality. But do you agree? Here are the most common sleep positions and their meanings.
It is a well-known fact that neck pain, stiff necks, and persistent headaches can be due to poor pillow support. If you wonder what makes the best memory foam pillow then keep reading.
The best sleep position during pregnancy is “SOS” (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby.
There are many factors that affect the quality of sleep you get each night. One of these factors is your pillow. Choosing the wrong pillow can exacerbate headaches and neck and shoulder tension. Taking time to determine what the best pillow is for you based on your sleeping habits and personal needs will help ensure that you wake up refreshed and ready for your day.
Memory foam has the viscous properties of water, but the elastic feel of traditional poly foams. These unique characteristics are what makes memory foam pillows so popular. If you rest your head on one, the memory foam will compress and conform perfectly to the shape of your body.
The reason we sleep on pillows in the first place is they help to keep our head in neutral alignment while we sleep. Ideally, your head should be perpendicular to your shoulders and your neck should not be bent too far in any direction.