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Creating quality content that is searched by users and offers answers to their questions will not help you to rank on the top in SERP. There are a lot of websites that are producing high-quality content and fighting for the top position.
One of the important and most effective ways to use hashtags marketing is by creating your own brand hashtag. It is considered as the most unique hashtag that a brand or business can use to grow their business on different social media platforms.
This way you can add hashtags in your post that are used by your audience. You can also make use of social listening and analytical tools to reconstruct your hashtag marketing strategy to get more impactful results.
One can’t compare the amount of traffic between the SERP and image searches. Because it’s very obvious that websites appearing on the top in the search engine result page can offer an abundance of traffic compared to image searches.
Are you looking to drive organic traffic on your website without ranking your web page on google search result page (SERP)? Google Image search is the best way to promote and drive traffic on your website.
Images are also considered as a type of content that’s why google gives preference to web pages containing multiple images and other media. Where you are creating a home page or blog page make sure that it contains text, images as well as video content.
Where you are aware or not but your traffic can be wiped out instantly due to major algorithm updates and other malicious SEO practices carried out by your website. That’s why it is recommended to leverage other platforms and channels to drive traffic organic traffic on your website.
Undoubtedly Google is one of the popular search engines with more than 6.9 billion searches in a day. That means users are relying on google to solve their queries. Because of that most of the websites focus on ranking their website on the top in google to get the maximum number of organic traffic.