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That means if a user is looking to find the latest SEO trends then instead of saying (latest SEO trend in 2020) they prefer to say. That’s why we recommend you to use a conversational tone in your content for voice search.
Would you rather have 1,000 hits a day at your site of a general audience OR 10 hits a day of people who are desperate and willing to pay any price to buy your products? If you are smart, you will choose the people who are ready to buy.
Today users spend more than one-third of their time switching video content online and youtube alone has more than 1 billion active users which means there is a huge probability that your potential customer might be hanging out on youtube.
Compared to short queries, a long-tail keyword is less competitive which makes it cheaper and allows you to get more target users that are likely to become your customer.
Without on-page optimization, your website will exist but no one will recognize what it is about? Mainly the search engine.
Solving group members’ problems will allow you to build a strong trust and network and help you to convert your members into customers.
There have been countless other lists and articles on the subject of website designing mistakes, but I have compiled my own list, from a designer’s perspective, of some pitfalls to look out for when considering either designing a website or purchasing a template.
By including long-tail keyword, answering frequently asked questions and more you make your website eligible to get top ranking for voice search.