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Erbil Gunasti authored GAMECHANGER Trump Card: Turkey & Erdogan, published simultaneously in America and Australia January 2020. Also to be released in Turkey and Japan by September 2020. This site mainly focuses on two presidents. President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Republic of Turkey. Gamechanger argues that unless Erdogan and Trump work together, the West will continue to decay, the East will continue to rise and the Western Civilization as we know it in Europe will dissipate faster and faster.
Los Angeles – November 1, 2020 – A prominent group of African American actors and entertainers have accepted President Donald J. Trump’s invitation to visit the White House in December to work together on important issues facing the Black Community.
“New Turkey” is, how some refer to the modern Republic of Turkey, in the last two decades. There are numerous reasons to call it “New.” First of all, Turkey went through significant transformations since the turn of Millennia. Second, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan regime in power faced existential challenges from the Globalists and won, since 2002. Third, Turks set up milestones for the ages and they are adamant to celebrate them with glory. Finally, as a secular Republic and political Islamist regime, they are a Gamechanger. They are for security and justice for everyone.
In Clinton’s Libya, the civil war ended second time within a decade, in October 2020. Turks brought peace to Libya, relatively speaking. The Secular Republic of Turkey and political Islamist Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime in power, together, became a Gamechanger for the regime. They carved a viable portion of the country away from the rebel-held eastern sections.
Hidden Embargo of the West against New Turkey backfires. The embargo against the Turkish state is nothing new, but in 2020, hidden or open, it no longer works. Donald Trump understood it well and tried hard to avoid it but he was alone. Not even Republican members of the US Senate helped him to rectify the long-time-wrong against Turkey. In fact, they went overboard with their Democrat partners by recently approving CAATSA 231 against Turkey.