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Angular has announced its latest version Angular 7. Many companies and developers are still comfortable working with Angular 4 or Angular 6. Though there are many fixes and bug improvements in each version, each one has its own advantages. We will be discussing the advantages of both Angular versions one by one.
Angular has recently announced its latest version Angular 7 with new features, some improvements, and bugs fix. Angular mobile app development makes it easier to build a hybrid app using the Ionic framework.
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NodeJS is an open source JS cross-platform runtime environment which is assembled on Chrome's V8 engine delivering blazing fast speed with high Performance. It has gained a lot of developers attention since its release. It has become an extraordinary choice for real-time web applications as it is written in JavaScript.
There is a high appeal for Full Stack developers nowadays. In 2018 we saw a massive growth among those developers and we hope the same for 2019. In this article, we will start from the role of a Full Stack developer to the cost of hiring a Full Stack developer.
The term Start-ups and React Native has been given together for many different reasons, but ultimately these reasons reach the same goal -help start-ups convert ideas into business success. I can say that if you are a start-up company, then adapting React Native can help you in many ways.
An Ionic application is used for developing a hybrid application. Ionic had a timeline as "Mobile for Angular" until its latest version launched as "Ionic for everyone"(Ionic 4). We can say that Ionic below version 4 only supports Angular, but the new version has included some massive changes based on the UI and also supports React as well as other frameworks too for deploying an app.
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