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1. Sunburn “Sunburn is India’s premier electronic music brand hosting Asia’s largest 3-day Electronic Music Festival in Goa, Various city festivals, Arena gigs and Club tours across the country since 2007."
India is a vast country as we all know. Every city hosts travellers from another city, state or country. A lot of these travellers prefer the hustle-bustle of the city to the privacy of a high-end hotel room.Hostels of India
Australian Director Anthony Maras has taken up a new project with Indian-American producers titled ‘Hotel Mumbai’. It has drawn inspiration from the 2009 documentary named ‘Surviving Mumbai’ and is based on the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in India.'Hotel Mumbai'.
Everyone’s talking about Black Mirror’s latest interactive episode titled ‘Bandersnatch’. Why has it gained so much popularity since its release, what does it mean, how does it work and what it means for the future? Here is Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch, explained.
What does the president of the world’s superpower eat? BREAKAST Trump doesn’t really have breakfasts, but if he does: An egg Mcmuffin Diet coke with straw.Donald Trump,How to Eat Like Donald Trump.
George Herbert Walker Bush was an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. Prior to assuming the presidency, Bush served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
Is it the apocalypse? Is this Thanos finally snapping? Of Course it's the aliens right? They always land on the US first anyway. New York skies showed a scary science-fiction blue this thursday evening. Tweets broke out (obviously) and the whole city was in a frenzy.
Actor Priyanka Chopra and her singer husband Nick Jonas are now recognized as a married couple. The two were spotted by the paparazzi at the Jodhpur airplane terminal as they left the city after their wedding and later arrived  at Delhi on Monday evening. The couple got married in Hindu and Christian wedding functions.