Goldenmidas Social Bookmarking 2021 - Nexgard Chewables for Large Dogs (Purple) - PPT - Nexgard is a beef-flavored, monthly chewable that efficiently prevents and eliminates fleas and ticks on dogs. These yummy chews treat 4 kinds of tick species -- American dog ticks, Black-legged ticks, and Brown dog ticks and also may be used on puppies which are over 8 months old. The chew functions for one full month and also prevents canines from deadly tick-borne diseases. Nexgard, merchandise by Merial is the very best flea and tick preventative therapy that has Afoxolaner -- an insecticide and an acaricide. This active ingredient works to the central nervou Read Mores system of the parasite causing hyperactivity. This finally results in the death of the parasite. Tue, 13 Oct 2020 11:56:02 UTC en